sábado, 6 de junio de 2020


Hey there! This is Marta and in today’s task I have been assigned with the role of facilitator.👩‍🏫
I focused mainly on giving to the rest of the group the explanation given by our teacher, Linda,
in our online class. Then, we had to divide the task in order to work every one of us in an effective
way, so that’s what I did. 👩‍💻
As you can see in our previous posts, we have already worked with augmented reality, Codey
Rockey and stop motion before, that’s why I proportionate them some examples of the realization of
this activity and that created a better understanding process in the developing of the task.📱👾📸
We arranged, as well ,a meeting by the whatsapp group, so I created a zoom session where we did
a brainstorm of ideas that could be used (very useful by the way)  and they could ask me any doubt
they had about the realisation of the assignment.🔍

Finally, as the main goal is helping the kids in how to use technology learning at the same time,
I provided the apps used in the other task and showed them how the Codey Rocky’s apps were
made for.✔

martes, 12 de mayo de 2020


Hello everybody! 👋 
happy bobs burgers GIF
Welcome another week to our blog!!
We are María Dolores and Alberto,  this week we are the stars!⭐

This week we have to talk about task 10, the last of the subject. It has been an exhausting week and a lot of work, so we are going to tell you how has it been.🤟

As you know, we had a virtual class with Linda, our teacher in which she had explained us the task and also she had answered all our questions about this week work. We had more time than in other tasks to prepare this presentation so we though that we are going to do it really well!!
We have been in contact via online at the time of distributing and preparing the presentation, since we want it to go really well. We are very excited and nervous to present since it is the last activity and it is very important for us and we want it to go very well.

So... here you are a brief advancement of what we are going to talk about:

We have though that we could interconnect the three activities using the Solar System as the main topic. In this way, children will learn all the interesting things that Solar System has in an alternative way in contact with technologies. 

Augmented reality:

-Learn what is Solar System and what they can find in it.
-Learn and practice Augmented reality.

-Two sessions of 45 min.





Codey Rocky: 


-Learn the solar system planets’ characteristics.

-How to program and control the codey rocky.


Two sessions of 45 min.



Stop motion:


-Learn the solar system movements.

-Learn the Earth movements.

-Develop the creativity of students through using stop motion.

Two sessions of 45 min.




Leaving Spongebob Squarepants GIF


Hi everyone!!! I’m Cristina and this week I’m writing the last journalist post of this blog. I am going to tell you how we managed to develop the activity of UDCMM.

We had to create three different activities with the tools of Augmented Reality, Stop Motion and Codey Rocky programming. These had to be completely different from the ones we did previously on the UDCMM task.

Stop Motion Studio - Aplicaciones en Google Play      

First of all, in order to organize and divide the tasks we meet through a videcall of Zoom,  as usual.

We agreed that the best way to manage this task was that every three members of the group  focused on one of the activities, always keeping the rest of the group updated so that we all worked simultaneously. Alberto, Claudia and Alma were the ones in charge of the Augmented reality activity; Lola, Nuria and María dealt with the stop motion activity; and Marta, Sofía and me were in charge of the Codey Rocky programming activity.

We came out with the great idea of grouping the three activities in a larger one whose main theme was the universe. So the three activities were developed as a result of explaining different data from the solar system.

The plan was that by Monday afternoon it was everything organiced and we only had to finish the details for the rest of the week.
Fortunately everything was going more or less as planned but we had some questions that Linda could solve on Tuesday.

We created a power point with all the key information so the presentation was easier and more entertaining:

We had a lot of fun not only doing this task but also enjoying the other groups presentations. We really liked the one of The Cheetah Girls. Here I paste the link to their blog so you can have more information about them. 

We would also like to share with you this link to a blog that highlights the importance of tools such as augmented reality in education since it was very inspiring 

Thank you very much for your attention during this weeks, we hope you have learned something new with our posts. I has been a pleasure. Goodbye forever... 


Hi guys😜💖! I'm Claudia and this week it's my turn with the curator role. The project consisted of creating three different activities based on: augmented reality, stop motion and Codey Rocky for children of third of primary. Here are all the steps we followed and the tools that we used to came up with the final result. However, before using all of this we were designing how was going to be all, the theme, the objetives, the details to link the three activities... At the end we decided to focus them on the UNIVERSE!!

Universe GIF - Universe Stars Galaxy GIFs
-First we met all together via zoom so we could distribute the task and analyze the details. 
Zoom (Versión 5.0.2 ) [Software]. (2013). Recuperado de https://zoom.us

-Then, although every three were in charge of one activity, we were sharing all the information thought a common drive: Drive (Versión Version: for Mac 1.17.7290.4094) [Software]. (2012). Recuperado de https://www.google.com/intl/es/drive/

-The app we used to elaborate our diagrams was canva:
Canva Pty Ltd (2007). Canva (Versión 3.52.0) [software]. Recuperado de https://apps.apple.com/es/app/canva-crear-fotos-dise%C3%B1o/id897446215

- The sites web where we obtained all the information about the space:

  • For Augmented Reality: Glaze , D. L., Erickson , K., Davis , P., & Dunford , B. (2020). SOLAR SYSTEM EXPLORATION. Recuperado 7 de mayo de 2020, de NASA Science website: https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/about-us/

-The apps we used to put the QR codes was: "Códigos QR". (2020). Recuperado 9 de mayo de 2020, de Códigos-qr website: https://www.codigos-qr.com/

-The activities demos were made with different apps:

-The three apps for the activities were the following ones:

And finally we presented our project in the videoconference through the following app: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/acc12739c0b8415888ef07b21c84d5e5

I've done a diagram to show you in a more clearly and visual way:

That's all, thank you and see you in a near future!!
Talk Soon GIF - TalkSoon TalkToYouSoon Later GIFs        Milk And Mocha ILove You GIF - MilkAndMocha ILoveYou GIFs


Hi everyone!! I´m Nuria and this week I´m playing the translator role. So, I´m in charge of defining  the most important concepts  that we have studied during the development of our Global Project in task 10, which we have called THE UNIVERSE.
Hope you like it and learn too!!

GIF de estrellas espaciales

SOLAR SYSTEM: The Solar System englobes the sun and the eight planets with its orbits that tour around it. But we have to include asteroids, comets, meteoroids and even also their moons that go with planets on its encirclement to the sun. So, the Solar System is the compilation of those elements.
PLANET: A planet is an astronomical object that orbits the bigger star in the Solar System; the sun. A planet must be bigger enough to have enough gravity so that it can follow the path of its elliptical orbit.
EARTH´S REVOLUTION: Is the movement that the Earth make around the sun. It takes one year in complete one revolution, exactly 365’242 days . For that reason on Earth we have a leap year every 4 years.
EARTH´S ROTATION: Is the circular movement that the Earth exercises on itself at the same time that goes around the sun. The Earth takes one day in complete one rotation. Thanks to the rotation of the Earth we can differentiate between the day and the night depending from the perceived rays by the sun.
QR CODE: It´s a tool to store information. We need an electronic device with a QR lector in order to read the information stored. The QR lector immediately opens the application, the document or whatever the QR code includes. It is a faster way to achieve and share information with others.
We are very happy to have completed the last task and we want to show our appreciation to those people who have been reading our blog!!



Hi!! I'm Sofía and this week I'm the analyst of this task. This week we had more time to develope the task, what was good because it wasn't an easy work.
I was a fun task to develope, but also difficult, the ggod point is that it encouraged us a lot to be effective. But also it was a little bit confusing because we didn't know exactly what was the difference with the tasks of "Un Día en el Cole de mi maestro". The best moment of the week was when we divided in subgroups and like that we managed to work better and more specialized on each of the three parts of the task.
The worse part was for exemple having to create the cardboards for the demos because it was difficult to find some of the materials as the situation is not easy.
I think that what we need to conerve as a group is the way in which we gave the ideas and how we listened to each other, selecting the best ideas. Maybe what we could improve is work more quickly but now is a bit difficult and we are all stressed with everything that we have to do.
This content relates a lot with our degree as it is directly made for children, and our topic helps a lot as this is something that we will have to teach one day.
I hope that you liked a lot this week's task and also that you are all doing well, byee!!!

Love You Kiss GIF by swerk



Hi everyone! I'm Alma. 
I got the worst part... the goodbye. As we said before, sadly this is our last task 😭 but let's not get sentimental. 
By developing these three activities using the tools of Augmented Reality, Robots and Stop Motion we have greatly improved our creativity and our ability to create activities using new technology tools. In general during all the activities we have developed in this subject we have evolved a lot as future teachers, as a group and also as individuals. 
And to all of you, thank you for joining us in each adventure, taking care of yourselves and staying at home! 
See you always, TIC.CHERS.💖


Hey there! This is Marta and in today’s task I have been assigned with the role of facilitator.👩‍🏫 I focused mainly on giving to the...