martes, 12 de mayo de 2020


Hi guys馃槣馃挅! I'm Claudia and this week it's my turn with the curator role. The project consisted of creating three different activities based on: augmented reality, stop motion and Codey Rocky for children of third of primary. Here are all the steps we followed and the tools that we used to came up with the final result. However, before using all of this we were designing how was going to be all, the theme, the objetives, the details to link the three activities... At the end we decided to focus them on the UNIVERSE!!

Universe GIF - Universe Stars Galaxy GIFs
-First we met all together via zoom so we could distribute the task and analyze the details. 
Zoom (Versi贸n 5.0.2 ) [Software]. (2013). Recuperado de

-Then, although every three were in charge of one activity, we were sharing all the information thought a common drive: Drive (Versi贸n Version: for Mac 1.17.7290.4094) [Software]. (2012). Recuperado de

-The app we used to elaborate our diagrams was canva:
Canva Pty Ltd (2007). Canva (Versi贸n 3.52.0) [software]. Recuperado de

- The sites web where we obtained all the information about the space:

  • For Augmented Reality: Glaze , D. L., Erickson , K., Davis , P., & Dunford , B. (2020). SOLAR SYSTEM EXPLORATION. Recuperado 7 de mayo de 2020, de NASA Science website:

-The apps we used to put the QR codes was: "C贸digos QR". (2020). Recuperado 9 de mayo de 2020, de C贸digos-qr website:

-The activities demos were made with different apps:

-The three apps for the activities were the following ones:

And finally we presented our project in the videoconference through the following app:

I've done a diagram to show you in a more clearly and visual way:

That's all, thank you and see you in a near future!!
Talk Soon GIF - TalkSoon TalkToYouSoon Later GIFs        Milk And Mocha ILove You GIF - MilkAndMocha ILoveYou GIFs

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Hey there! This is Marta and in today’s task I have been assigned with the role of facilitator.馃懇‍馃彨 I focused mainly on giving to the...