jueves, 2 de abril de 2020



The three tools we are using this week for our personal learning are YouTube, Podcasts
and Online Announcement boards.

Youtube is a platform where you can find every type of content as you can
imagine in an audiovisual way, and it could be an excellent tool for teaching if you use
it in a responsible way. With youtube, teachers can upload videos with the explanation
as well as looking for other videos that can help students to learn in a more didactic
or different way.
1) Reading tools and strategies:
Taking youtube classes  has a positive part, students can see the videos with the explanation
the times that they need and at the hour they want.
If explanation goes very fast for them, they can stop the video and see it again and again. 
2) Reflecting tools and strategies: 
With youtube children are able to listen to the teacher explanations in a more direct way.
For teachers it is easier to plan a video in which they can teach the lessons however they
want, using apps to make visual presentations while they explain, show how to make things
recording themselves doing it…, they have a lot of options to use in the videos. And through
the comments students can ask if they have doubts or whatever.
3)Sharing Personal Learning Network:
Youtube is a platform in which teachers can support themselves when carrying out different
tasks, for themselves and for their students as well. There are many videos available that can
be used for the teacher's own learning but can also be a tool to learn on when giving both
face-to-face and virtual classes. The teacher does not have to upload thmlkpoe videos either,
he/she has many videos available about different topics to use in his/her classes. Besides
the students can also make their contributions and upload videos about their performance in
the tasks.

MECHANISM: directvariety, search
ACTIVITY:  With youtube you can do a lot of activities,a good one could be:
exercise making. The teacher upload a video to youtube explaining some
exercises. When he explains one, students must stop the video and solve it.
Then the student must write in the comments the solution they obtain and at the
end of the video check if it is right.
An audio file belonging to a syndication system, which has a didactic content from
an instructional planning, which can be elaborated by the teachers, students or by the
institutions themselves. It is a good tool for imagination, our brain turns on, lights up and
with each word heard we place one more element in our activated imagination. There are a
big variety of podcasts so they can be made from the beginning so they are more specific and
familiar or they can be found on any platform. 
If we have to remark on some negative aspects we could say:  Internet users with a
low-speed data transfer connection system may have difficulty downloading podcasts or that
it takes time to develop a perfect podcast.

1)Reading tools and strategies: The podcast will help to access information in a more
practical and clearer way. As it is a more expressive explanation, the students will concentrate
more on it and they will find it easier to decipher what is most important. Moreover because
since they have no images to follow they can not stop paying attention to the audio.  It could
be divided into chapters so students follow the information in a periodical way. Being an
exclusively auditory type of content, children learn not only new vocabulary but also to build
sentences, to understand oral instructions…
2 )Reflecting tools and strategies: The teacher does not have to be the only who explains ,
the students can also record their own audio explanations to help their classmates or to add
some detail to the professor's explanation. In That way they will acquire a greater amount of
information from different perspectives.
Students can help in many aspects: If one is very good at languages, he or she can help
others with pronunciation, or if another child knows educational songs, he or she can teach
them and also when it comes to speaking with the right words and the right narration.
3)Sharing Personal Learning Network: (Social tools and strategies): podcasts could be
found in a variety of websites like Spotify, Itunes, Instagram, SoundCloud and this creates
the possibility to make new relationships that share your interests. 
As teachers we believe that podcasts are a very useful tool to teach students because they
can learn many interesting facts without having to get bored. Students tend to use this tool to
share music and audios of personal interest and leisure so we are sure that for  them it
won't be a problem to use podcasts in class. For us it would be a way to break with traditional
methodologies, favouring collaborative and autonomous learning. It will be always necessary
to define which objectives or competencies are pursued with the use of this resource and
when we will use it (before or during the class).
MECHANISMS: Imagination, concentration and cooperation.
ACTIVITY: Interactive podcast sharing information, creation of a conclusion together,
add different topics to the podcast.
1)Reading tools and strategies:
 In this case what we use the most is Padlet, an app to create an online bulletin board that
you can use to display information for any topic, in our case we look for information that will
be useful to integrate in our sessions so the students learn in an easy and fast way according

to the situation of quarantine nowadays.

2) Reflecting tools and strategies:
This app also enables users to easily create an account and build a new board. You
canfor example add images, links, videos, questions or information and later exchange
knowledge with students. What we will do is to upload links and little fragments of texts that

may help them to do the activities also uploaded to this platform. 

3)Sharing Personal Learning Network: 
This app also enables users to easily create an account and build a new board. You
can for example add images, links, videos, questions or information and later exchange
knowledge with students. What we will do is to upload links and little fragments of texts that
may help them to do the activities also uploaded to this platform. 
As this app allows the interaction of both teacher and students, they will be able to share
their activities completed, any doubts they have and even additional information that they
consider interesting for the whole group.

ACTIVITY: At the end of the unit the teacher will post an open question to make students
reflect and try to elaborate an answer to share their knowledge with the whole class.

As teachers, we consider this app a way of learning more dynamic and enjoyable for kids.
Moreover, it allows teachers, as well as students to learn.


Each one's PLE:


Hello!! I’m Marta and I am the facilitator this time , I have been helping and providing the necessary
information for the accomplishment of this week's task.😊
The essential information for the realization of this, was the document attached in the aula virtual that
was uploaded by our teacher Linda Castañeda due to it having the instructions of how to carry out this
assignment, that’s why I sent it to my peers in order to fulfill every section that was asked about.🤓📚
I asked my colleagues to watch the videos that the teacher uploaded to the Virtual document in
order to meet the following day at Skype and start with the PLE’s. I found it necessary to do another
video call in order to explain between us how our own way of doing it was effective, and for instance,
learn between the knowledge of each one of us as a group that we are. 👭📝📲
In addition, I did some research on the apps that were able to be used for free and, obviously, that we
could be working on them without any problem; my proposals were taken successfully and helped
them a lot. 💯✅

This week's activity consisted in creating a PLE diagram related to youtube, podcasts and announcements boards.
The aim was to discover how these digital tools could help both, teachers and students, to follow the online classes
in a practical and entertaining way.
To do so, we divided ourselves into three mini groups and each one was in charge of developing one of the three organisms.
Both the text and the explanatory videos were very helpful to us in carrying out our project.
María and Alma were the "Stars" this week so with the help of everyone and the information we had
collected they made a short summary for the presentation.

We were in contact thought Skype where we decided the essential facts so then we could work in our small groups.

The blog that we want to recommend this week is the one called https://theoutsidersrict1 920.blogspot.com/?m=1We believe they made a great effort in the presentation and it is obviously that they worked a lot.

This week in order to know how to do a PLE we used different online platforms, websites and books.
First we looked the documents that our teacher uploaded to Aula Virtual where she explained what we had to do in
order to develope the task. She uploaded this book where was explained what a PLE is and it's parts.

Castañeda, L. y Adell, J. (2013). The Anatomy of PLEs. En L. Castañeda y J. Adell (Eds.), Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje: Claves para el ecosistema educativo en red (pp. 11-27). Alcoy: Marfil. https://digitum.um.es/digitum/bitstream/10201/53893/1/Chapter1Castaneda %26Adell2013EN.pdf

And here you can find the entire book in Spanishhttp://www.um.es/ple/libro
Castañeda, L. y Adell, J. (eds.). (2013). Entornos personales de aprendizaje: claves para el ecosistema educativo en red. Alcoy: Marfil.

 Also we saw this two videos that she uploaded:

Universitat Politècnica de València - UPV. (2015, abril 17). PLE - Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje | 4/73 | UPV [Archivo de vídeo]. Recuperado de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OurAO-qVeA&feature=youtu.be

ULLmedia - Universidad de La Laguna. (2014, julio 28). Make Your own Personal Learning Environment [Archivo de vídeo]. Recuperado de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj2veAmL2Nc&feature=youtu.be

Finally, I will leave here the apps that we used to make some of the individual PLEs, which are Canva and Genially. Others, like the principal one of the group were made with the application "Word". 

Perkins, M. (2012). Crear diseños incríbles con tus amigos y ...: Canva. Recuperado de 

Genially, la herramienta que da vida a los contenidos. (s. f.). Recuperado de https://www.genial.ly/es

And here I'll leave an illustration so that you can see it more clear:

-Personal Learning Environment (PLE): is the mixture of people, tools and services that form individualized
resources and approach to learning and the development of the person.

-Podcast: "it is a digital audio, video file or recording, usually with a common theme, that can be downloaded from a website to a media player or computer."

Dictionary.com. (s. f.). Recuperado 30 de abril de 2020, de https://www.dictionary.com/browse/search?s=t

-Methodologies: a set or system of methods, principles, and rules for regulating a given discipline, as in the arts or sciences.

Dictionary.com. (s. f.). Recuperado 30 de abril de 2020, de https://www.dictionary.com/browse/search?s=t

-Application: "this is a software program that runs on your computer or mobile phone. E-mail programs, word processors, games, and utilities are all applications. The word "application" is used because each program has a specific application for the user."

TechTerms. (2008, octubre 12). Recuperado 30 de abril de 2020, de https://techterms.com/

-Diagram: it's a drawing or plan that explains the parts or operation of something and made to accompany and illustrate a demonstration or explanation.
-Announcement: statement made to the public or to the media which gives information about something that
has happened or some fact.

a. What was the best part of the activity?
This activity encouraged us to be effective and to have a good organization. Also we liked a lot the division in subgroups.

b. What was the worse?
At the beginning of the activity we were a little confused. We talked with other groups and they were lost too.

c. What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
When we started to work in subgroups. In that way is easier to coordinate ourselves.

d. What was the worse? 
As I said before, the beginning of the activity. Then, it was easier.

e. What have you learnt?
The concept of PLE, which is quite interesting, and how to coordinate us in a better way.

f. What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
The capacity of implication that we have had this week. If we work in the same way, we will do it better in the next tasks.

g. What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
We could work more quickly without being so stressful

h. How THIS content is related to other contents in the course and your degree?
PLE is closely related with learning processes, which is a big part of the degree. It talks about organization, technologies...


This has been another week from quarantine, so this has been another challenge trying to do our best even though we can meet in person. This task was about doing a PLE, it is true that at first we were a bit lost because we didn’t know what it was and we had never heard of it but with the explanations of the teacher on her videos and the documents that she uploaded we could managed to do it.  I think that we really worked very well as a group this week, dividing the work in smaller groups to be more centered and then working all together to have a good final result. We managed to do the task with time and like that we could be more relaxed  and think better about it. No problems were presented throughout the week and we are really happy about it. Hoping this stills being the same with the following tasks and hoping that you are all doing well!! Happy weekend guys! #stayathome.

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Hey there! This is Marta and in today’s task I have been assigned with the role of facilitator.👩‍🏫 I focused mainly on giving to the...