miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2020



Storytelling: This activity was not as difficult as the others to prepair. We devided the work, some uf use wrote the story, some printed the images for creating the storytelling and some cut all the images and prepair the app. The kid enjoyed the activity very much, we did not have any problem. We only would liked to have a little more time.

Codey Rocky: together, we learned how program codey rocky and we prepair a circuit. Although we have everything ready for the 8 childrend that we thought were going to come, something unexpected happened. Only 3 students came. However, we apadt an developed the activity perfectly.


Storytelling: to carry out this activity we use the story we created together about the pollution of the sea. So that the children could recreate this story, we looked for images on the Internet that helped us to create two backgrounds, the characters of the story and the trash that dirtied the sea. We also used paper and markers for the children to write some dialogues of the story and some ideas to end the pollution of the sea. Finally, all the members of the group downloaded the StopMotion application in our devices, to make the story with the children.

Codey Rocky: For this activity we use the robot provided by our teacher and the colored cards he brought with him.. Also a big cardboard, with paths made of red felt, to create the circuit through which the children had to take Codey Rocky. Finally, to program the robot and perform the entire activity we used the MBlock and Maleblock applications that were downloaded to our devices.


The key terms we consider essential for this task (about codey)  are:

-Codify: in an orderly way, gather knowledge in a way similar to codes.

-Codey Rocky:combines hardware with software, allowing children to learn about programming while they play and create. ... Harnessing the power of mBlock software, Codey Rocky allows children to create dot matrix animations, design games and realize AI and IoT applications

-Scratch: a programming language developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for children, is currently the most widely used visual programming language in the world.

-Infrared sensor: an infrared sensor is an electronic instrument that is used to sense certain characteristics of its surroundings. It does this by either emitting or detecting infrared radiation. Infrared sensors are also capable of measuring the heat being emitted by an object and detecting motion.

-IR Transmitter/Receiver: makes communication with multiple robots possible and allows infrared remote control of electrical appliances.

Codey Rocky. (s. f.). Recuperado 10 de marzo de 2020, de https://www.makeblock.com/steam-kits/codey-rocky

a. What was the best part of the activity?
The best part has definitely been seeing how much the kids enjoyed doing the activities. It has been very easy to work with them and we have learned to work in a more orderly manner.

b. What was the worse?
Perhaps the worst part has been having to organize the time to allow time for the activities. And so, this affected the speed with which we explained things and the students had less time to do it calmly. 
And, for example, we also had a little difficulty keeping the children's attention at the same level throughout the activity.

c. What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?

We believe the best time this week has been with the codyrocky activity. We all had a great time and we really felt like little teachers. The three girls were smiling all time and they seemed to be enjoying the activity. Also, due to the fact that they were only three, we were more relaxed and we had time enough to do all the things.

d. What was the worse? 
Probably the worst time this week was the day we did the story telling. We had very little time to do everything and we were nervous because we didn't have time enough. We had to rush the kids and we didn't do the story the way we would have liked to. 

e. What have you learnt?
First, we learned to control both the Codyrocky and the story telling app. We also learned what to do to keep the kids' attention and not have them get distracted. In turn, we have discovered which strategies are better and worse as future teachers. And the best of all, we have learned how to enjoy ourselves while we were working hard.

f. What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
As a group we believe we should keep up the desire and positive attitude as well as our joy and sympathy towards the children. We feel that the children are having fun and that they understand what we are trying to explain.

g. What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
If we had to improve in any area, I reckon it would be in the organization. Sometimes we have a hard time deciding who does what, and if we don't have it clear, we lose a lot of time deciding. We are sure that if we tried to improve in that aspect, we would do much better in the activities.Also, I think we should pay more attention to the details, to the little things that make our activities unique.

h. There is any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)?.
As we explained last week the role of technology is present in the Codyrocky activity and in the story telling we included the issue of pollution controversy.


The preparation of those activities was successfull. We had all the materials prepeared and we we were excited to carry out both activities.

The first activity that took place was "Storytelling", where we worked with 7 children. Due to some problems beyond us, we started the activity with a delay of 15 minutes, so we had less time to complete the activity. Due to this fact, we had to reorganize our functions. We worked well, getting the work organized. We enjoyed the activity as no one of us had been working with storytelling before. The children were so grateful and we could see how they were learning and enjoying the activity at the same time.

Secondly, we carry out with the activity of "Codey Rocky". This was completely new: both for us, and the children. We had the opportunity to work just with 3 children, so we could make better use of the time. Children were excited, and they followed our tips during the session. We started explaining them some basic functions of codey rockey, letting them work with it too. They explored and enjoyed the most. What we have learnt from this is that when you work with a small group, you are allowed to organized your time and ideas in a better way. Moreover, you can innovate doing other things that probably with a bigger group, you couldn't.

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Hey there! This is Marta and in today’s task I have been assigned with the role of facilitator.👩‍🏫 I focused mainly on giving to the...