viernes, 1 de mayo de 2020


STARS- Teaching in a Digital World.

Hi, welcome back! This week, Marta and me, Claudia were the stars 🌟, the ones in charge of presenting our group activity after having hardly worked on it. We had divided the text in order to do a little summary of each part but then the two us with our partner's help, joined all together to have a completed and detailed idea. 
In addition, we divided our presentation in six parts (with the concepts that seemed more important for us) so each one could then explain three. This information was distributed in a infographic (the one that is in the Introduction) so we have like a support while we were talking. The first three partes were the Marta's ones and therefore I had to explained the number four, five and six.


1.Perspective´s importance:
Teachers take their own perspective to base any DCT with the combination of not only the processes shown in the classroom but their competence and the type of technological vision, always taking in account the social, ethical and citizen dimension.

2. Previous knowledge:
They must know how to use technologies and have previously been trained to control them so that they can get the most out of transmitting it to their students.

3. Relationships between technologies and humans:
Technology as a mediator of human action in the world and, specially, of educational action. 
Relationship between humans and technology is conceptualized in three ways: extensions of the human being, dialectical relationship between humans and technologies, and in terms of the hybridization between humans and technologies 
DCT descriptions are based on: technology as a neutral instrument and on the inevitability of a change.

4. Technology as part of teacher development: 
They can acquire new skills that could improve both their form of teaching  and their professional  growth. In addition, When it comes to conflict resolution or carrying out action research, those teachers who use technology will find it easier to investigate and find a solution.  So according to this, teachers need to keep the same pace as ICT’s.

5. Social commitment
Teachers must be aware that technology is part of their students' social environment in order to create citizens with critical and reflective capacity. Furthermore, professors act as social agents between family, school and community. This is why, in order to communicate better and reach to everyone as quickly and effectively as possible, they have included the use of technology.

Teachers, in addition to mastering their subject and pedagogical techniques when teaching the lessons, must know how to interconnect everything through technology, we can call this TPACK (technological pedagogical content knowledge).


Well, as you can see, the six parts are related with technology in Education, especially what skills teachers need to function properly in today's digital age. This points are related with the form of teaching, the social aspects, the progress, the teacher enrichment, the introduction  and the coordination between tradicional techniques and modern and new ones.
We tried to explained in the best possible way how important is for teachers to be daily aware of the evolution of technology in education💻.  However, professors should not only know them but also learn how to work with them in class, how to extract the major potencial from them and discover when is the best moment to use them.

We hope that you understand the concept that we want to transmit and specially that you like our work.
Thank you and see you next week!!! 💘

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Hey there! This is Marta and in today’s task I have been assigned with the role of facilitator.👩‍🏫 I focused mainly on giving to the...