viernes, 1 de mayo de 2020



Teaching in a Digital World.

Hello! I'm Sofía and this week I've been charged with organizing the task 9. This one was about doing an infographic, something that we haven't done before so we needed to inform a little before starting with the work.  
First, the same day that the teacher explained the task I decided to talk with the group and start organizing. I arranged a video call  that evening through Zoom Meeting to distribute the roles and talk about the general aspects of the task.  I have to say that organising this tasks in the situation that we have is not easy as we can't meet in person and dvelope the work in a more closely way. :(

Wfh Working From Home GIF - Wfh WorkingFromHome CatsRuinEverything GIFs

I asked my colleagues to read the document that the teacher uploaded to the Virtual class in order to meet the following day and start with a "brainstorming" and deciding . I arranged two other meetings to develope the task and finish it. 
The problem of this week has been that, unfortunately, we hadn't done it well. We didn't really understand the concept and the teacher asked us to present it again on Thrusday, that meant that we had to meet again and redoit. So we started working on that just after the class and also that evening. But again it wasn't what the teacher expected so I had to set two other meetings in order to talk all again and try to find what we weren't doing well.
So as you can see this hasn't been an easy week :/. We've seen a lot our faces and worked hard, not a fantastic week for a facilitator, and not for anyone.

Sad Baby GIF - Toddler Sad Sobbing GIFs

I just hope that you are all fine and remember that this will be over soon!!! Byeeee! <3.

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Hey there! This is Marta and in today’s task I have been assigned with the role of facilitator.👩‍🏫 I focused mainly on giving to the...