jueves, 27 de febrero de 2020





The beginning of this week was very difficult for us, due to the fact that we were a little bit lost. However, it was our fault, because the explanation was clearly expressed. We had ahead an exiting new project, "Un día en el cole de mi maestro". We were extremely happy to work with children. Nevertheless, the coordination between the group was pretty bad. As Linda didn´t came to class, we didn't attend everydays. Therefore, we had a lot of accumulated work to do. The first day we met we started to work in the Augmented Reality activity and that first day was really productive. After that, we started to think about what our storytelling would be, but without concreting anything. We recognize that we should have worked much more during this week, but we also think that it is very important to know our errors and to be able to improve for the rest of the course.

This week we would like to recommend to sites: 

We had chosen this site because we consider that ir explains really well how the most difficult task works, the Codey Rocky Robot.
This blog has an amazing organization and it is very visual, with a good explanation about their organization in "Un día en el cole de mi maestro".


During this week we have used different apps to develop the task.

  • To develop the activity of Augmented Reality we have used the application "Chrome Ville Science". We have downloaded the templates of the Water Circle provided by the app. Then, we have printed them. After having the templates printed, we have used the app to see the Augmented Reality effect.
  • After explaining children how the app works, the day of the development of the task we will explain them the importance of Water Circleahd how it works. To do the presentation, we have used some information provided by: Ariadna G.. (2018). Qué es el ciclo del agua para niños. diciembre 28, de Ecologíaverde Sitio web: https://www.ecologiaverde.com
  • According to the development of the activity Storytelling and the creation of a stop motion; we have used the application "Stop motion". This application will be used with the kids the day of the presentation of Storytelling.


The important words we consider essential are:

Augmented reality: Another version of reality using technology to interpret an image to digital information.

Programming: A way of configuring the computer to instruct it to perform and specific task.

Pollution: water pollution is the contamination of water bodies, usually as a result of human activities. Water bodies include for example lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater.

Stop motion: A filming technique which consist of taking a lot of photographs to put them successively to produce appearance of movement.

Storytelling: Transmission of events with images and words, and usually making improvisation.

Water cycle: describes how water evaporates from the surface of the earth, rises into the atmosphere, cools and condenses into rain or snow in clouds, and falls again to the surface as precipitation.


a.       What was the best part of the activity?
The best part of the activity was when we had codey rocky for the first time.

b.      What was the worse?
The worst part was when none of us realized that we are doing the augmented reality wrong.

c.       What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
The best moment of the day was when, after organizing it wrong and making many mistakes, we understand how to doing it well.
d.      What was the worse?
When we realized we had a lot of things wrong and we had an argument because we did not know how to do it.

e.       What have you learnt?
This week, we learnt a lot about augmented reality. However, from my point of vew, the most important thing we have learnt is about team work.

f.        What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
We need to conserve the motivation that we had at the end of this week.

g.       What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
       We need to improve our communication as a group.

 a.       What was the best part of the activity?
The best part of the activity was when we had codey rocky for the first time.

b.      What was the worse?
The worst part was when none of us realized that we are doing the augmented reality wrong.

c.       What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
The best moment of the day was when, after organizing it wrong and making many mistakes, we understand how to doing it well.
d.      What was the worse?
When we realized we had a lot of things wrong and we had an argument because we did not know how to do it.

e.       What have you learnt?
This week, we learnt a lot about augmented reality. However, from my point of vew, the most important thing we have learnt is about team work.

f.        What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
We need to conserve the motivation that we had at the end of this week.

g.       What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
       We need to improve our communication as a group.


During all the week we have been working all together sharing our ideas to improve the task. At first we were a little bit lost, however, when we start working and discovering new techniques we began to do it better. In addition despite we were all in the three activities we decided to form groups to be confortable and quicker. Un Día en el Cole de mi Maestro is great initiative for education students, because it prepare us for the future being in contact with children.

viernes, 14 de febrero de 2020




This week, we deal with the activity of TPACK and ACAD. We answered a few questions and with the information that we picked up, we did an information map. This information map had been presented to he class by our stars.

Our Stars this week were Lola and María and they presented the project in class to the rest of the groups and also to the teacher, using the "information map" and an explanation that they created together. As a Star, María also recorded herself giving this explanation accompained by the poster, you can see the video with the link below.
STAR'S video: https://youtu.be/AXHaVOZ2rv0 (copy the link on YouTube to watch the video)


During this week our first work in groups has taken place. We have welcomed it with desire to learn, expectation and enthusiasm. 

We began by assigning the roles to each member, leaving two of them without any specific one, who would help in everything that was in their hands. We divided the task , each of the four questions for four of us, so that the rest could be in charge of the cardboard which was the visual presentation of the work. In one day the questions were answered , the next step we had to take was the organization of the cardboard. We started by doing a brainstorm and once the final idea was taken we got down to work. We looked on this page https://www.mindmeister.com/blog/students-guide-to-mind-mapping/ but it was very technical and we were looking for more practical and creative ideas. So we decided not to look on the internet because everything was like that. We were all calm because we felt that we were doing well on time, since we were on Thursday and the presentation was Tuesday. We met on Friday afternoon to buy the necessary material and once we had it, we went to the library. We won't lie, let's admit that we felt a little bit overwhelmed at a certain point because we thought we were going wrong with the choice of the idea of the cardboard. But when we saw it finished we felt very satisfied with the work done. It had been false alarm. The day  of the presentation arrived and the two "stars" of the group were anxious eager to present the speech to the class.

1.       This would involve not only mastering content and teaching/learning strategies but also knowing which technological tools to use and how to apply them, bearing in mind that their use may in turn modify content and the very dynamics of teaching and learning.
2.       Allows to emphasize the creative/constructive dimension of the preparation and development of the process, the role of the teacher as facilitator of environments, the explanation and discussion around those elements, etc.
3.       The TPACK model can help to reorient, focus and filter the various educational uses about ICT.

Once it was done, Linda gave us some feedback by telling us what we had to improve, for example that we should have  related the information we exposed to the visual content of the cardboard. We've take note and we  hope to do better next time and improve over time.

Specific question:

Which are the weakness of using TPACK and ACAD?
TPACK is not designed to be an entire package or the full view of integrating technology; however, you need to put it in context. For instance, all levels of education are very different, from an elementary school to a high school; to undergraduate to graduate level, each approach to technology integration will look different. Also, the simple act of adding in technology will not necessarily enhance the course or lesson if the instructor has not done their due diligence in their planning or testing of the technology.
And in reference to ACAD we can say that, in short, our architectural framework suggests that we focus on understanding how structures affect and influence activities, acknowledging that human activity tends to be goal-oriented and physically and socially situated. Design can have an effect on activity indirectly, through the ways in which it creates tasks and through its shaping of the physical and social context in which activity unfolds.


  •        TPACK: TPACK is the acronym for "Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge". It is a model that identifies the types of knowledge that a teacher needs to master in order to effectively integrate ICTs into the teaching they provide.
  •    ACAD: The ACAD framework was conceived to support both the analysis of activity within complex learning situations, as well as the forging of connections between this learning activity and the tasks of design.
  •  Technological knowledge:  This term refers to the knowledge of the general pedagogical activities that a teacher  can carry out using the different technologies and knowledge of how ICTs can be used in teaching and how this use can change the way we educate and organize the learning environment and involve students in collaborative learning
  •   Pedagogical knowledge: Pedagogical knowledge refers to the specialized knowledge of teachers for creating effective teaching and learning environments for all students.·    
  • Content knowledge: Content knowledge generally refers to the facts, concepts, theories, and principles that are taught and learned in specific academic courses, rather than to related skills—such as reading, writing, or researching—that students also learn in school.



a.       What was the best part of the activity?
The best part was discussing how to do the cardboard together and giving opinios and ideas because it was la real team work.

b.      What was the worse?
I think that the worse was answering the questions because some of them where a bit difficult and it wasn’t easy to find information about it.

c.       What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
In my opinion the first day because as I said we were all together discussing about the tasks, the other days it was more difficult because some of us don’t live in Murcia.

d.      What was the worse?
I think the day of the presentation, our stars were a bit nervous and the final job wasn’t really good, the letters were too small and people couldn’t read it.

e.       What have you learnt?
Apart from what TPACK and ACAD as these were the center of the task we learned a lot about how we have to organize and prepare  in order to do it better the next times.

f.        What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
We need to conserve the active motivation that we have had this week, as it is the first one, and the good communication.

g.       What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
We need to organize better and do everything with more time, also now that we have started with the roles we know more about how it is and we have to do it better. Also concentrate more.

With this assignment , we have acquired new knowledge on how to use a new way in which students can learn, with TPACK teachers have more dynamic options with which to teach their lessons so that students will show more interest; while ACAD is shown in situations were the learning turns out to be more complex.
In addition, as teachers in training, this activity has been very useful for our future professions, forming a basis in that specific knowledge to get to know how to control them completely as we use them more throughout the degree.



1st Task: Conceptualizing Education in Pictures

For the first task, we had to take five pictures and match them with a concept related with education. Then, our classmates were adding ideas without knowing what we had thought before.

-First picture: COOPERATION.

"None of us is as smart as all of us". The first idea is cooperation and the second one is team work. The alternative equitation is: "Through cooperative learning all the goals will be reached.

-Second picture: VALUES

 "Education goes further than teaching a subject, this must be accompanied with different values to make rational and moral individuals for the future society." The first idea is values and ethics and the second one is moral thinking. The alternative equitation is: "Academic knowledge isn’t everything, it is necessary to develop values and ethics as well, so it can be done through moral thinking."

-Third picture: CREATIVITY

"Each child has something different and unique to demostrate." The first idea is creativity and the second one is game-based learning. The alternative equitation is: "Learn through games can help children to pay more attention so they will reach a better education."

-Fourth picture: DIVERSITY
"Children must be educated to accept diversity as normal, so it is not necessary to teach inclusion but coexistence and freedom." The first idea is diversity and the second one is equality. The alternative equitation is: "Another part of education are values so learn to tolerate and respect will help with diversity issues"

-Fifth picture: RESPECT

"Education must help children learn what is respect, to respect each other and also themselves." The first idea is respect and the second one is inclusion. The alternative equitation is: "Bends are an important part of the education experience."

It is extremely difficult to reflect all the values and concepts of education in five photos. However, we had included the most important ones for us.

jueves, 13 de febrero de 2020



“A blog for documenting the work of our group in the course #RICT1920 at the UM”

  Hi everyone!!!! We are Tic-Chers, a group of nine students of Primary Education at Murcia´s University. 

This blog is going to be carried on by Marta Gomariz Casanova, Claudia Manzanera López, Alberto Jimenez Sánchez, Mª Dolores Gómez Sánchez, Alma Zapata Casado, Nuria Rivera Buitrago, Sofia Bueno Soler and María Martín Cantero. Here, we´re going to upload our weekly projects. Hope you like all our content, see you soon!  


Hey there! This is Marta and in today’s task I have been assigned with the role of facilitator.👩‍🏫 I focused mainly on giving to the...