jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020




This week's activity was about  creating a comic with superheros' esthetic and based on the four main potencies of technologies. We welcomed it with open arms because it is an opportunity to show our creativity and our artistic skills.

Our four main Lemke's powers:


Visualization can be an extraordinary tool in a student’s repertoire for critical and creative thinking. Using visuals and how to work with them will motivate students in the learning process. They will be able to discover different ways of learning, thinking and to express themselves with digital tools. In our comic, our students will have the chance to develop a video in order to explain the most important issues of the subject. 

To make homework more fun and dynamic for the children, they try to find aspects related to the topics given in class. And when doing it with the mobile or the computer, it becomes more enjoyable and students should also understand how to create original visuals to communicate their ideas, represent their data, and tell their stories
We are going to represent this in our comic with the idea that each time the teacher of the other planet finishes a unit he gives the option to his students to form groups and try to look for pictures, TV series or other things related to the content. And then the other groups should try to guess why they chose it. 

It is important that students participate in the learning process, otherwise they can get distracted and start thinking about other things. Participation is essential if you want a dynamic learning  process. One of the easier ways for everyone to participate is using technologies. There are a lot of excellent apps that can help students to learn and participate. In our comic we used one of the most common one: Kahoot.
Students need to be able to contrast information and analyze how advertisers manipulate images. They need to be informed consumers of visuals. This is represented in the comic when our superhero shows the app that detects fake news to the other children.

We are going to present you all our comic; we hope you enjoy it!


Hello! We are Sofía and Nuria and this week we were in charge of presenting our activity. First of all, we chose the superhero's esthetic because it is something that we are familiar with and have been seeing it since we were children. However, it is also a challenge because we have to expose through drawings the four powers of technology from Lemke's text. 
After reading the document and selecting our principles we tried to develop them a little in order to find ideas related to the comic. We did a brainstorming and at the end we managed to get several ideas for both the history of the comic and the introduction of the powers. As the starts we divided the task in the following way: Nuria had to explain the creation process with all the details and the comic's story (each bullet and its meaning) meanwhile Sofia had to developed the four powers and explain why we had chosen them. 
This week due to the confinement in which we continue due to the coronavirus, we have met via Skype to plan the completion of the task and see how we made the comic and thus brainstorm to later get down to work. Although the difficulties make us have to do everything online, we have known how to do it. Despite all of the above, we divide the work and we also work together so that everything works out as teamwork is the key. Here you are a picture of all of us in Skype:

Finally we would like to recommend the blog of our colleagues 8plushalf which we found very interesting and complete, and of which we liked the comic very much:  eightplushalf.blogspot.com

Also another blog that we want to recommend is this: https://www.comicverso.com/  since this week we have been dealing with comics, it is very interesting to find out about this as it is interesting and inspirational.

This week to be able to do the comic  we needed the following:

First we were planning and designing and making decisions via skype. With this application we could all give ideas at the same time and do it faster.

Then we were working on the following text in order to bring out the four powers of technology.  Lemke - 2010 Lemke - 2010.

And finally, we used the drive (gmail) so we can write the story and  everyone could be in the process.

1. Comic, being the way of working out the project.

2. Creativity, being needed to make any of the many types of comic and necessary to relate the methodologies with the story.
6. Innovation:  creative idea that has achieved sufficient social or professional acceptance so as to become the impetus for ongoing ripples of creativity and change.

Lemke, C. (2010) Innovation through technology, in Bellanca, J. A. & Brandt, R. (eds.) 21st century skills: Rethinking how students learn. Bloomington, Solution Tree Press, 243-274. 

The five key words that we can highlight in this activity are:

Comic: story explained by bullets or boxes that contains different images and illustrations that may sometimes include little picks of text. There are a lot different types pf comics, in this case the type is: SuperHero Comic.

Originality: quality necessary to do different activities and tasks with unique characteristics to catch people attention.

Visuals, as the comic is based in them.
Definition: pictures, illustrations or pieces of films and series that we use to reproduce the meaning of a text in a more dynamic way.

Lemke, the author of the four powers of technology that we had to use to do the comic.
Definition: Jay Lemke is an American semiotician and science educator in schools with an excellent knowing in physics. He is a professor of education at the University of Michigan.

Superhero, being the kind of comic that we had to carry out in this assignment.
Definition: this type of comic is focused on people that tend to do brave actions to help people. However they do not need to be the tradicional superman o batman, everyone could be a superhero.

a. What was the best part of the activity?
That it encouraged us to be creative and bring out our artistic skills. Also that by reading Lemke's text we realised that in fact there are plenty of benefits in using technology that we weren't aware of, such us its paper with economy, where highest innovation is reached through technology.

b. What was the worse?
Unlikely we think that the worse was to prepare it within the few days that we had before the presentation. Although in some way it also helped us to keep an eye on the task and not leave it until the last moment.

c. What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
When we did the second video call because we already had everything planned from the first video call so we weren't so stressed and we could enjoy the time "together" while working.

d. What was the worse? 
The time for organization and the distribution of work. Who was going to take care of each task and how. It is always a little bit complicated to start a new work,  but once we're settled down and we start to work it gets easier. 

e. What have you learnt?
Appart from the benefits of technology that I mentioned in question a, we also learned by wathcing the other comic that the next time it would be better to use an app to put the written part of the comic because maybe it is easier to understand than by hand. This way we will gradually improve to reach perfection in the future.

f. What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
We need to keep the commitment that has been made this week with both the work and peers. 
The commitment that when working as a team, not everyone can go their own way, but that we all have to keep the same rhythm. That has been around this week and is something we should keep.

g. What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
We need to improve the organization of time because sometimes we think we are with everything under control but at the last minute a problem arises that we don't have time to amend. 
Also, although I mentioned this in the previous question, we need to keep improving in the fact that we have to work everyone at the same pace so we don't have to wait for anyone.

h. Is there any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)?
Well, this shows how important it is to invest in technology and to take it as one of the most relevant  things because it is a tool that helps us all evolve as a society.

This week we had less time to do this task as we only had two days to do it and we needed to do it fast. On Tuesday we were a bit overwhelmed because we didn't know very well how to do it and if we were going to have it on time. But, all of us, started working hard that evening, giving ideas and searching information, and the following day and we managed to have it ready by Thursday. In the end the idea of making a comic turned out to be really entertaining and dynamic. We worked all toghether and very well even with the difficult situation that we are living now, but even with each of us from home we are still trying our best and being together.  #stayathome #westayathome.
We recommend you to try at home, iIt is a different activity that includes both artistic and linguistic work and cultural knowledge.

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2020

TASK 6: AUGMENTED REALITY (online activity)

Fifth week: AUGMENTED REALITY (online activity) 

Due to the circumstances in which we find ourselves this days, we have had to adapt the activity of Un Día en el Cole de mi Maestro (Augmented reality) to an online version so that the children can carry it out through a technological device in their homes. For this we have organized it as follows:

We have created a video which contains the introduction of this task. In it we explain what the water cycle is with some visual aid. It is in spanish because the activity with the kids is supposed to be in this languaje although we plan it in enghish. In this video it is also explained the definition of augmented reality so that children understand better what they're going to do next.

All the instructions of the activity are also presented in the video. We will send them the link of the video through email, next to this we will also attach the design of the templates that are necessary to carry out the augmented reality. They have the option of both printing the template on paper and coloring it by hand , or if they do not have a printer, they can download the design and with the "Paint" application, paint it through their device.

Resultado de imagen de chromville science

The next step (also explainned in the video), once they have their templates painted, is to download the augmented reality app, called "Chrome Ville Science" in a different technological device because the one they're using in the moment is necessary to see the templates. In our video there is an easy tutorial about how to use the app just in case they don't undertand it.

Resultado de imagen de chromville scienceResultado de imagen de chromville science

Once they used the app and saw the augmented reality of the water cycle they will have to prepare a brief explanation of the water cycle with their own words and with the augmented reality's aid. This explanation will be recorded and it will have to be sent to us through email.

Resultado de imagen de chromville science

If they have any doubt that was not clarified in the video they can contact us with our email directions.

According to the ACAD framework...

-The material set is the following: the activity will be placed in each student's house. The material used will be two  technological devices, a printer if possible, the apps "Paint" and "Chromeville Science" and the templates.

-Epistemical set: the reason why we decided to explain everything with a video is because we thought that it would be easier for them if they needed to repeat an explanation or stop it at some point. The maximum time available for them to do the task is an hour and a quarter from the point when we contact them.

-Social design: In normal ciscunstances the activity would be performed in a group formed by eight children. But this time it will be an individual task.



Last Thursday we were not able to be with the children or perform the activity we had prepared for them, due to the Covid19's situation. Instead, we were asked to do this activity online for the children.

To do this, we joined another group of class "The Outsiders", so that we could share ideas with each other. We feel very good working together. From our point of view, it was easier and faster to solve the problem we were facing.

We decided that the best option would be for the children to receive the explanations and instructions to do the activity through a video recorded by us that would be sent to their devices. The children will have to do the activity individually.

Once we had chosen the way in which we were going to carry out our project, we set to work:
First, Sofia, Nuria and Claudia, who presented the water cycle to the children, recorded a video with this explanation. Secondly, Alma explained in another video which App should be downloaded to carry out the activity and also explained how to use it. Finally, they are given the template to use for scanning in the App. This template should be printed and colored on paper or downloaded to a device and colored with the application ''Paint'', as it is easiest for them to do.


This week we have not been able to carry out udcmm in a normal way, so the tools used have been:

 -YouTube for uploading the video-explanation about what the water cicle is to make easer for the kids to understand it, with our previous prepared explanation and cardboard.
tic.chers [Tic chers]. (2020, marzo 16). YouTube [Archivo de vídeo]. Recuperado de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTqgsBfcj3g&feature=youtu.be

-We also used the app iMovie to create the video we uploaded to YouTube.

Apple Distributin International (2011). iMovie (Versión 2.2.9) [Aplicación móvil]. Recuperado de https://apps.apple.com/es/app/imovie/id377298193

-The app chromville science for the kids to do the activity at home and its templates, as it is indicated before.

Imascono Art S.L. (2016). Chromville Science (Versión 1.9) [Aplicación móvil]. Recuperado de https://apps.apple.com/es/app/chromville-science/id1050076903

-To end up, another platform we used is gmail, for sending the videos of the kids with the augmented reality and also to comunicate with them througth this social network.

Gogle LLC (2004). Gmail (Versión 6.0.200324[Software]. Recuperado de https://apps.apple.com

-To communicate ourselves in toder to plan the activity we used Skype 

Skype (Versión 8.59) [Software]. (2003). Recuperado de https://www.skype.com

In this mind map I represent it all so it is easier for you to understand in a more visual way:


The key words that we believe are essential in this session are:

  • Online: this is the action of using internet and apps.
  • Video:a technique for recording image and sound tapes.
  • Electronic devices: they are the instruments or mechanisms that have a certain function, in this case to do activities online.
  • Paint: function of representing something on a surface with the appropriate lines and colors.
  • Water: A liquid, odourless, tasteless and colourless substance in small quantities (glass of water) and greenish or bluish in large masses (like sea or oceans). It is formed by the combination of a volume of oxygen and two volumes of hydrogen.

aWhat was the best part of the activity?

The best part of this activity was the excitement shown by each one of the members that worked in it. Especially, because it involved an unusual challenge, adapting the activity to the given conditions of the moment; via internet.

b. What was the worse?

Even though it may sound difficult to achieve, it was easier than an actual face to face activity. What can be name as the ´worse´ of this activity was the lack of excitement that the children may experience due to they would be doing it on their own without any motivation.

c. What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?

The best moment of the week, without any doubt, was the day that we were all together in class preparing it, helping each other with creative ideas instead of being separated through a screen.

d. What was the worse? 

The worse working in the group was organizing ourselves while being separated, but we managed to deal with it in the most cheerful way.

e. What have you learnt?

We have learnt that the conditions where a class is made may not be the one that you expect to be, and it’s okay. This activity has shown us how there is not only one way of doing a class; there are more than we know and we will have to learn all of them.

f. What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?

From our point of view, we need to conserve the excitement of experimenting with different ways of teaching content and the aim of learning more and more everyday.

g. What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?

We are still having some issues in organizing the activities, but not as we used to have, so we are still working in it and hopefully it would be solved sooner that we expect.

h. There is any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)?.

Not essentially in this content but yes in the context that we are living at the moment because this activity has not been done for fun but compulsory, and it’s sad.


This has been a week in which we have had to organize ourselves faster because the plans changed from one day to the next.

We have successfully moved forward by carrying out this simulation of augmented reality online activity.

It has helped us to learn how to control other ways of working, as in this case it is with technological devices in a pedagogical way and to discover other learning methods different from those we were used to using in previous activities.
Therefore, being positive, we get the good part out of this whole quarantine situation, which is that despite apparently having fewer resources, we can continue learning by discovering new things that make us evolve as students, future teachers and people. We know we still have a lot to improve but we keep trying week by week with hope to reach perfection.

From here we want to send a message of joy and patience and encourage you to continue learning, discovering and evolving even if it is from home. #wewillresist #westayathome



Storytelling: This activity was not as difficult as the others to prepair. We devided the work, some uf use wrote the story, some printed the images for creating the storytelling and some cut all the images and prepair the app. The kid enjoyed the activity very much, we did not have any problem. We only would liked to have a little more time.

Codey Rocky: together, we learned how program codey rocky and we prepair a circuit. Although we have everything ready for the 8 childrend that we thought were going to come, something unexpected happened. Only 3 students came. However, we apadt an developed the activity perfectly.


Storytelling: to carry out this activity we use the story we created together about the pollution of the sea. So that the children could recreate this story, we looked for images on the Internet that helped us to create two backgrounds, the characters of the story and the trash that dirtied the sea. We also used paper and markers for the children to write some dialogues of the story and some ideas to end the pollution of the sea. Finally, all the members of the group downloaded the StopMotion application in our devices, to make the story with the children.

Codey Rocky: For this activity we use the robot provided by our teacher and the colored cards he brought with him.. Also a big cardboard, with paths made of red felt, to create the circuit through which the children had to take Codey Rocky. Finally, to program the robot and perform the entire activity we used the MBlock and Maleblock applications that were downloaded to our devices.


The key terms we consider essential for this task (about codey)  are:

-Codify: in an orderly way, gather knowledge in a way similar to codes.

-Codey Rocky:combines hardware with software, allowing children to learn about programming while they play and create. ... Harnessing the power of mBlock software, Codey Rocky allows children to create dot matrix animations, design games and realize AI and IoT applications

-Scratch: a programming language developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for children, is currently the most widely used visual programming language in the world.

-Infrared sensor: an infrared sensor is an electronic instrument that is used to sense certain characteristics of its surroundings. It does this by either emitting or detecting infrared radiation. Infrared sensors are also capable of measuring the heat being emitted by an object and detecting motion.

-IR Transmitter/Receiver: makes communication with multiple robots possible and allows infrared remote control of electrical appliances.

Codey Rocky. (s. f.). Recuperado 10 de marzo de 2020, de https://www.makeblock.com/steam-kits/codey-rocky

a. What was the best part of the activity?
The best part has definitely been seeing how much the kids enjoyed doing the activities. It has been very easy to work with them and we have learned to work in a more orderly manner.

b. What was the worse?
Perhaps the worst part has been having to organize the time to allow time for the activities. And so, this affected the speed with which we explained things and the students had less time to do it calmly. 
And, for example, we also had a little difficulty keeping the children's attention at the same level throughout the activity.

c. What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?

We believe the best time this week has been with the codyrocky activity. We all had a great time and we really felt like little teachers. The three girls were smiling all time and they seemed to be enjoying the activity. Also, due to the fact that they were only three, we were more relaxed and we had time enough to do all the things.

d. What was the worse? 
Probably the worst time this week was the day we did the story telling. We had very little time to do everything and we were nervous because we didn't have time enough. We had to rush the kids and we didn't do the story the way we would have liked to. 

e. What have you learnt?
First, we learned to control both the Codyrocky and the story telling app. We also learned what to do to keep the kids' attention and not have them get distracted. In turn, we have discovered which strategies are better and worse as future teachers. And the best of all, we have learned how to enjoy ourselves while we were working hard.

f. What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
As a group we believe we should keep up the desire and positive attitude as well as our joy and sympathy towards the children. We feel that the children are having fun and that they understand what we are trying to explain.

g. What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
If we had to improve in any area, I reckon it would be in the organization. Sometimes we have a hard time deciding who does what, and if we don't have it clear, we lose a lot of time deciding. We are sure that if we tried to improve in that aspect, we would do much better in the activities.Also, I think we should pay more attention to the details, to the little things that make our activities unique.

h. There is any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)?.
As we explained last week the role of technology is present in the Codyrocky activity and in the story telling we included the issue of pollution controversy.


The preparation of those activities was successfull. We had all the materials prepeared and we we were excited to carry out both activities.

The first activity that took place was "Storytelling", where we worked with 7 children. Due to some problems beyond us, we started the activity with a delay of 15 minutes, so we had less time to complete the activity. Due to this fact, we had to reorganize our functions. We worked well, getting the work organized. We enjoyed the activity as no one of us had been working with storytelling before. The children were so grateful and we could see how they were learning and enjoying the activity at the same time.

Secondly, we carry out with the activity of "Codey Rocky". This was completely new: both for us, and the children. We had the opportunity to work just with 3 children, so we could make better use of the time. Children were excited, and they followed our tips during the session. We started explaining them some basic functions of codey rockey, letting them work with it too. They explored and enjoyed the most. What we have learnt from this is that when you work with a small group, you are allowed to organized your time and ideas in a better way. Moreover, you can innovate doing other things that probably with a bigger group, you couldn't.

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2020



Hi everyone!!!

As we have named in the previous posts, during the next few weeks we are dealing with a new and exciting project for all of us!! The project that we are starting this week is called "Un día en el cole de mi maestro" and it will be developed by our class. We will be in charge of putting in practice different ways of teaching, using different tools and sources with different kids that will be visiting us to the faculty. This week, we have carried out with our first activity, the water cycle using Augmented Reality. We are anxious for telling you how it has been, so don´t hesiate and read this post! Thanks for everything one more time.


This week we have been working  with children from the Juan de la Cierva School. It was our first session of the "Un día en el cole de mi maestro". At the beginning we were a bit stressed because it was the first day and our first experience as teachers. To prepare the activity we distributed the work of printing the templates, prepare the identification cards for us and for the children and also preparing the storytelling and stopmotion session. We had all prepared for tuesday. During the activity we had some problems because some of the templates that the children had painted weren't recognised by the app but we managed to fix it and make sure that all sutudents could see how it worked and try it. I think that we did it well in the end and that we knew how to control the situation. We liked this experience a lot and had a really good time with the children.

This week we would like to recommend this two sites:
https://www.mundoprimaria.com/infografias-imagenes-educativas/infografia-el-ciclo-del-agua , where the water cycle is explained for children and there are also a lot of other things for children to learn.

https://picklerict.blogspot.com/ , this blog is from some colleagues. In our opinion it is really good explicated and we think that it is very interesting and you could like it.

This week, as my colleage had said, we have been working with little kids and it has been an amazing experience. My role for this week is clasifying the sources of work that we have used, so let´s start!!

The fisrst activity that we have done for the project "Un día en el cole de mi maestro" has been Augmented Reality. And for developing with the task, we have been working with the water circle.  So, I´m going to start explaining what sources we have used to develop the task properly.

First of all, we wanted to know some information about the water circle and its steps, so we looked for the water cycle explained for primary chilren on this website:

Mundo Primaria. (s.f.). Las fases del ciclo del agua para niñs. Recuperado de https://www.mundoprimaria.com/infografias-imagenes-educativas/infografia-el-ciclo-del-agua

Even also, we used the elements provided by our teacher in the LMS about augmented reality.Here is the link:


Moreover, we designed a cardboard to make kids  remaind what was the water cycle and its steps.

Finally, we dowloaded the app Chromeville Science in our devices to carry out with the activity. This app allowed us to show children how Augmented Reality works. We printed the templates about water cycle provided by the app, and students were in charge of painting the templates and use our devices to see the efect of augmented reality.

 Chromville Science. (2020). Retrieved 22 February 2020, from https://chromville.com/es/chromvillescience Website of ‘Chromville Science’ used to know how it works and to print the needed documents. 

For having all this information together, we have designed a mind map collecting all the sources used to develop this task.


 The key terms that we consider essential to accomplish this task are the following:

Augmented reality: An artificial environment created through the combination of real-world and computer-generated data.

Water Cycle: Is the circulation movement of water on Earth, which steps are evaporation, condensation and precipitation. 

Evaporation: Is one of the stages of water. It is produced when a liquid (in this case water) changes to steam due to an increase in temperature.

Condensation: Consists of small drops of water that form when hot water vapor comes in contact with low temperatures.

Precipitation: Is the process by which condensed water droplets fall back to the earth's surface.


This week we have worked very well, although being our first contact with children, we sometimes lacked communication. We have divided the work because being from different areas of the region made it difficult for us to stay and it has worked, although sometimes it has been difficult for us to get to work, which in my point of view has been the greatest failure we have had. In spite of everything, we continue working to improve our communication, since if there is one thing that characterizes us as a group, it is the resilience that we have.We are learning a lot both as a group and as individuals. And we hope that for the coming weeks the relationship and understanding between us will improve so that we can work better in all the activities that remain.

The day we were with the children we were a little nervous because it was the first time we were responsible for conducting a playful activity with students. At first we did not know if we were really doing well but seeing the faces of the children and asking questions and getting involved, we could see that we were really fulfilling our goal. It was a different and unique experience in which we discovered that it is not only important to teach the content but also to know how to do it in a clear and fun way. We tried to do our best and although we know we have much to correct, we thought it was a good attempt and that the children were comfortable. We hope that in the following sessions we can improve in the most complex aspects.

This video briefly summarizes how the day was with the children and the order of the activity.

Hope you like it!!!


Second week: 

This second week working on "Un día en el cole de mi maestro" was more successful than the first one. After being a bit lost in the first one, we reorganiced our labour on the task.

Augmented Reality: The task is finish developed. Some of us were the ones in charge of prepearing the presentation of the Water Circle for the kids. The idea that we had of prepearing a cardboar representing the different cycle stages was completely successfully developed. Moreover, this team was also in charge of testing the application of Augmented Reality, downloading the templates and bringing the materials to colour them for Tuesday 3rd and Thursday 12th. We work in a good way to have this finished. Great job!

Storytelling: Other little group of us were in charge of developing this activity. They develop the story that will be told to the children in Thursday 5th and Tuesday 17th. They prepeared the different materials that we need to carry out the activity (such as images). Even so, they tryied the application that will be used to make the stopmotion in order to have a previous knowledge of that app. It was definitelly a totally success!

Codey Rocky: The rest of us were the people in charge of thinking what kind of activity can be developed with Codey Rockey. We only have the idea of what we really want to do. But sincerely, we have to work more on the following weeks in this task for being prepeared for Tuesday 10th.

Apart from that, we are working together on learning for example how Codey Rockey works. Another task that we develop together was creating our identification cards, the cards for the kids and the masks that they will be wearing during the development of the activities. We just need to print them!

To sum up, is important to highlight that we are better comunicated than in the first week. We are supporting each other and helping us in whatever we need. We are confident that we will be able to finish the task of Codey Rockey before the final day and that the other two activities will be reviewed.

Curator:  what we used last week to develope this task is;

  • We have been working with the app "Chrome Ville Science" as last week, we have printed the templates and have been trying to understand how it completely works in order to explain it to the children.
  • Also a part from the website that we mentioned in last week's post this one we have used the following video, also to help us know how to explain to children the Water Circle. The video is: "El ciclo del agua para niños-¿Qué es el ciclo del agua?-¿Por qué llueve?- Ciencia para niños." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPbTMCdSSAo
  • For the activity of  Storytelling and stopmotion we have been using the app "Stop motion" and we have done some ton test it and one to teach the children how they will have to do it.

The key terms we consider essential for this task are:

Augmented reality: : a version of reality created with technology to overlay digital information on an image of something being viewed through a technological device.

Programming: a way to “instruct the computer to perform various tasks”.

Pollution: pollution is the contamination of the environment, usually as a result of human activities. For example, releasing inadequately treated wastewater into natural water bodies can lead to degradation of aquatic ecosystems.

Stop motion: a filming technique in which successive photos of positions of objects produce the appearance of movement

Storytelling:  telling a story with words and images, often by improvisation or embellishment.

Water cycle: describes how water evaporates from the surface of the earth, rises into the atmosphere, condenses in clouds, and falls again to the surface as precipitation.


a. What was the best part of the activity?

The best part of the activity was when we began to see how both projects were progressing. And also, when everything was well finished and prepared for the arrival of the children.

b. What was the worse?
The worst part of the activity was agreeing on how we were going to carry out the different parts of both projects. We also realized that the work we were doing at the beginning was not enough while we thought it was well done; so, after realizing that, it was difficult to start over again.

c. What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
As I just said, one of the best things about the week has been watching our progress on the projects. Planning everything has been very special and this activity with the children makes us very excited. So feeling this way while doing everything has been the best part of the week.

d. What was the worse? 
The worst part of the week was when our teacher Linda, seeing the work we had already done, warned us that we were not doing things right and that our projects lacked very important parts that could not be missed. At this point we felt very overwhelmed and stressed, but thanks to her warning we were able to complete both projects and finish them well.

e. What have you learnt?
We have learned how to plan real activities for children and we have also learned to use our devices in a way that we did not know before, especially with the Augmented Reality and Codey Rocky activities.

f. What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
As a group, we have to maintain our capacity for resolution, that is to say, despite the situation we experienced this week of not knowing very well what to do, we were able to move the projects forward in a short time and, in my opinion, with good results.

g. What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
We need to improve quite a few things, such as paying more attention to the content and purpose of projects so that we do not lack anything. Also, we need to plan things with more time to avoid situations like the previous one and finally, we need to work harder, because we work very well but there is always room for improvement.

h. There is any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)?.
I believe that the social connection of the activity's content can be in the use of technologies as the main tool for its development. In addition, we have added in the Storytelling project the current topic of the pollution in the Earths' seas and oceans.

Reflexion:  During this week we try to leave everything planned without any error so we work faster and in a more organized way. We divided up the missing work and reviewed the last details. Above all we verified that everything was in order to carry out the augmented reality activity the following week.


Hey there! This is Marta and in today’s task I have been assigned with the role of facilitator.👩‍🏫 I focused mainly on giving to the...