Hi everyone, I´m Cristina and I am playing the curator role this week!
week we had to prepare an infographic based on the document Holistic teaching
competence for a Digital World. In order to do all of this we used the
following resources:
document placed in aulavirtual/resources called Holistic teaching competence
for a Digital World:
Castañeda, L., Esteve, F., &
Adell, J. (2018). Holistic Teaching
Competence for a Digital World. Recuperado de https://aulavirtual.um.es/access/content/group/5438_G_2019_N_N/Bilingual%20Group/TeachingModelFramework2018.pdf
The YouTube video which expains how to do an infographic:
(2017, octubre 17). How to Create an Infographic - Part4: How to Design Your
Infographic [Archivo de vídeo]. YouTube. Recuperado de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EwDNokZvCE&feature=youtu.be
The web page with the guide of how to do a proper infographic:
I. (2019, mayo 29). How to Make an Engaging Infographic: The Full Guide. Recuperado
25 de abril de 2020, de https://graphicmama.com/blog/how-to-make-an-engaging-infographic/
The app with which we created the infographic called Canva:
Canva Pty Ltd (2007). Canva (Versión
3.50.0) [software]. Recuperado de https://apps.apple.com/es/app/canva-crear-fotos-dise%C3%B1o/id897446215
we capture our ideas, in Drive:
Google LLC, (2012). Google Drive
(Versión 4.2020.16202) [Aplicación móvil]. Recuperado de https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/my-drive
discussed the organization of this activity through videocalls with Zoom: Zoom,
(2012). Zoom Cloud meeting (Versión 4.6.12) [Software]. Recuperado de https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74405327057?pwd=THpqMDdiUGJsTXdibWgyT21CTlBVQT09&status=success
web where we present the activity to the teacher is https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/acc12739c0b8415888ef07b21c84d5e5
we had to post our infhofraphic in Padlet: Wallwisher, Inc. (2008).
Padlet (Versión 113.0) [Aplicación móvil]. Recuperado de https://es.padlet.com/
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